Institute of Bioinformatics and Applied Biotechnology supports and leads the biotechnology academic ecosystem through its academic and new initiatives in Biotechnology, Bioinformatics and Big Data.


  • A recent editorial in The Hindu addresses the issue of medical ethics. Among other things, the editorial emphasizes the need for strong protections of any participant in a clinical trial, be it in India or elsewhere. It cites IBAB faculty Gayatri Saberwal’s publication in PLoS Global Public Health in which about 30 problems were identified in attempting to unambiguously identify which Ethics Committee had overseen a given trial site.

  • Dr. Shruthi S. Vembar has been awarded the 2023-2024 ASPIRE grant by CSIR for her project on CRISPR/Cas genome editing in malaria parasites. She is one amongst 152 awardees in the Life Sciences category, and one amongst 301 awardees across all categories. Congratulations, Dr. Shruthi for this recognition!

  • It is the end of an era and the start of a new one! The IBAB family welcomes its new Director, Prof. D. Sundar, on lien from IIT-Delhi. At IIT-Delhi, Prof. Sundar  served as Institute Chair Professor in the Department of Biochemical Engineering. He is also an Associated Faculty at the Yardi School of Artificial Intelligence and the National Resource Centre for Value Education in Engineering at IIT Delhi. Prof. Sundar is well recognized for his research in bioinformatics and computational genomics. His research findings have been recorded by way of >125 peer reviewed research articles. Prof. Sundar’s immense contributions have been recognized by various Awards such as the National Bioscience Award of the Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Govt. of India (2013) and the prestigious Faculty Research Award (2024) of IIT Delhi. He is also an elected Fellow of the National Academy of Sciences of India. IBAB looks forward to reaching new heights under his leadership. Welcome, Prof. Sundar! 

  • We take great delight and joy in announcing that IBAB has been ranked third amongst research institutes in India for launching a career in Bioinformatics: interdisciplinary nature of the research carried out at IBAB is highlighted by the strong collaborations that exist between IBAB’s computational and experimental PIs. It is further enhanced by the expertise of PIs who work in the domains of AI/ML and big data in biology. A proud moment, indeed!

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    IBAB welcomes its new Director, Prof. D. Sundar

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    IBAB has been ranked third amongst research institutes in India