From Nov 28-30, 2024, four Bengaluru institutes, IBAB, MIRM-MAHE, SJNAHS and TDU, successfully conducted the Regional Young Investigators’ Meeting (RYIM) Bengaluru, with the theme “Accelerating Indian Science through Private Investments”. The meeting kicked off with a Crafting Your Career workshop on Nov 28, moderated by Dr. Karishma Kaushik of IndiaBioscience and Prof. Shruthi S. Vembar of IBAB, with 55+ participants. On Nov 29, eminent speakers and mentors from public and private organisations across India drove discussions on the topic “Bridging the gap between Indian academia and private investment”. On Nov 30, discussions centered on the topic “Biomedical translational research: Questions to execution roadmap”. Overall, RYIM Bengaluru was a whopping success, thanks to the active interactions amongst the 60+ participants, 30+ speakers/mentors, 20 volunteers and five organisers. Financial support from IndiaBioscience, Cactus Communications and other partners is duly acknowledged!